Sunday 23 March 2014

Wood Anemone in flower

Spring is well and truly here - there are Wood Anemones in flower!

Wood Anemone flowers 2014-03-22 16.02.40

The woodland as a whole is looking much greener than it was just a week or two ago. This picture is over in Alex's wood, where I was helping my friend Rich (the woodland manager) finish off the last of the road edge trees.
Wood Anemone flowers 2014-03-22 16.03.35

Rich has been busy experimenting with a new way of stacking logs, using lengths at right-angles to make air gaps between the logs. He's going to see if this speeds up the seasoning of the wood, but it also had the advantage of removing the need for stakes at the ends of the stack:
Stacked logs 2014-03-22 15.27.25

Stacked logs 2014-03-22 15.27.32


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